+91 95121 50000

Information Systems Security

With the flexibility of more options available for email, social networking or any other website accounts, internet users have multiple accounts and addresses for ease of being in touch with important people or associates.

Multiple accounts call for multiple respective passwords which at times can be difficult to remember. So the common trend is to keep a rather easy password and consistent across all the accounts. This creates a favourable event for the hackers and people with bad intent who would want to hack in to such accounts and damage the user’s data or reputation.

CompuBrain protects its client’s account and electronic resources with a strong password management system. We guide our clients with various ways in which they can protect their multiple accounts of electronic resources by giving them the techniques of selecting passwords like Alpha Numeric passwords, Use of Special Characters wherever allowed, that would make it very difficult for the forgers to hack. It is one of important priorities to protect the details and data of our clients.